If you do not have a real Aim and purpose for your life or your life does not have a deeper meaning and you don’t have a raison d’etre, a reason for being, then life can be pretty scary thinking about what are you going to do for the next 50 years?
Given the possibility of working towards some sort of goal which might take you until you’re 50 or 70 years old to get that goal, at least you have a reason for being which is; you are working to achieve some goal, however, most people never achieve their goal.
Because the thought of actually no longer having to work towards your goal and being free of all the steps necessary before you can retire to be free to do what you want, if you don’t have a real deeper meaning and purpose for your life, is petrifying because it raises the question of; what are you going to do once you have achieved and succeed in your financial goals and achieved financial freedom?
That’s why the idea of being retired is so scary to people because they think; What am I going to do if I don’t have to go to work.
So without a chief aim and purpose for your life which has deeper meaning, you must keep yourself occupied by dealing with your problems and obstacles and disasters. This means that you always must have new disasters coming up to set you back from achieving what you believe is your financial goal because you don’t really want to achieve it because you’re too scared of what to do if you are free. There’s no reason for your existence.
So people make a reason for their existence out of anything, any paper pushing job or something irrelevant that they turn into earth shattering or the world depends on it or it’s so important even though it isn’t. That’s why so many people are disillusioned with the life they live yet they continue to live the same life. There is no better way to pass time other than with the illusion that they are getting somewhere, but never get it, so they can be occupied their whole life with the journey, never reaching the destination.
I’ve met many people who work for charities or foundations for many many years because they believe that it’s supposed to be something good for the world and yet after years, they realise it’s a total waste of time and actually not achieving anything. But they have no other reason for their existence so they stay in a job and a career to which they know is totally futile. Life is futile versus the alternative of having no reason for getting out of bed in the morning, no purpose for living, are both equally devastating lives to look forward to.
You must find a worthy reason for your existence, and all I can say from my experience is there is only one reason worth living for, one purpose, and that is to find what you really are and what is the purpose of human existence by observing and being curious about the bizarre nature of human beings and the world.
The reason for being is to find the reason for being, even if you never find it. That is a worthy purpose because discovering something new each day, makes each day fulfilling.
For example, the hair of an African or an Asian or a white person is so different. The racial differences in our face, our nose, our eyes, why are we so different? Why are there so many different bugs and creatures? Why is a sound, which is invisible and cannot be touched, and is lighter than air (sound rises or floats on water) powerful enough to knock over solid objects?
What are all these microscopic creatures that exist in the world and what is their purpose or use? There are so many bizarre things on this planet starting with human beings and the question of why does all this exist?
How did all this come into being, not just taking some faith-based answer; it’s just how it is or it’s meant to be that way, but by actually looking and following the dominos to the beginning. By examining what it does and what purpose does it serve and what purpose does that serve and so on, scientifically, objectively.
That can be your reason for being; simply, a total understanding of every single thing in existence and it’s original cause.
Another way to look at this is to ask; Why do humans behave so self-destructively? why do they believe things that make no sense? Why do they fight and argue without really understanding why they are doing it?
Observe from the point of view of an alien explorer visiting earth trying to understand the human condition, and then trying to find a solution.
You may not change humanity and the future of the world, but you WILL change your future and your world, and YOU are the only one who you should be concerned about.